Sunday, January 3, 2016

Happy New Year!

As a teenager, and long into adulthood, I used to make wildly drastic New Year's resolutions.  You know the type - they are all about eating well, exercising more, working harder, being more organized, etc.  They're very revolutionary, and without fail, they never stick for me (at least never until Valentine's day).

Thankfully, as I have gotten older, I have had a different approach to New Years.  Instead of focusing on the things I didn't get done during any given year, I try to feel positive about the things I did accomplish, and to be more at peace with the time of life I am in right now - some might call this being 'more present.'  I realize now that I will always be a work in progress - there will forever be something about myself that I am not 100% happy about! So, I am always grateful for the new year. It's a chance to reset. To mentally start again and continue the work in progress.  This year, instead of making more far-reaching resolutions, I am going to try and do my best - as a wife, mom, designer, teacher, sister, daughter, and friend.

My best to you for a peaceful and inspirational 2016.  Do your best!

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